The Chapel at Dialgona is dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. Before the Chapel was built the faithful of Dialgona had to walk the far distance to either the parish church or little closer to the Telaulim Chapel to fulfill their spiritual needs. Recognizing the genuine difficulty, in the year 1971, the chaplain of Telaulim Chapel, Fr. Assis Ferrao encouraged the people to set up a small structure where he could celebrate the mass. This small palm leaves thatched structure was put up by the efforts of the villagers on a piece of land made available by Mr. Luis Benedito Pires. Later the structure was upgraded on several occasions.

Today, the chapel is served by the parish priests and is managed by a local managing committee under the guidance of the parish priest. Apart from Sunday Mass, the chapel serves the spiritual needs through associations such as the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Charismatic Group, the prayer group and the local parish youth.

The feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour is celebrated on the first Sunday of February every year.